The Divine Feminine is that part of ourselves that is feminine energy; the great mother, the nurturer, the compassionate. Both men and women have divine feminine energy. It is our sacred sensual/sexual life-force which some call our Shakti. This feminine energy is conscious and heart-centered; appreciating and honoring the equal sacredness of all things. It empowers the mystical feminine principle of surrender, “relaxing and releasing” tension, in contrast to the masculine principle of “striving to attain.”

Awakening this aspect of ourselves in an honoring ritual brings us to the conscious awareness of who we truly are – unique individual aspects of Divinity itself. It is the evolutionary expansion of our identity which allows us to live in and as an inner state of Grace, which is the home and source of all love, peace, and ease. The honoring and love of self that we are pointing to is not a selfish or egoistic love. It is about TRUE LOVE: a spiritual energy; a force that goes beyond the boundaries of relativity and materialism. This practice of Self-honoring taps you into your divine energy where you can experience deep sensuality on a regular basis.

WILD AWAKE SHAKTI BODY OILS an SHAKTI PLEASURE OILS are sweet little precious bottles of nourishment to be used in rituals of honoring and awakening the feminine qualities of our humanity.